
An uneventful day.

I think Odysseus is feeling a little better.

I dropped by the General's cabin this morning and heard the sound of him and Elpenor laughing. I knocked, but Elpenor only opened the door a crack.

He assured me that Odysseus was fine, and said the General would likely be able to take visitors tomorrow.

Of course, Elpenor has no right to tell me when I can and can't see Odysseus. However, it seems he is doing a good job playing nurse, and I didn't really want to deal with the General anyway. -He'd probably just give me extra work to make up for his condition.

Still, it pissed me off that Elpenor pulled that shit with me.

Whatever. -I'll let him play gate-keeper a little longer.

I spent most of the day with Polites and Misenus. -It was good.

I think Polites has more or less come out of his funk, and has forgiven me for the whole 'Laodice' thing.

A large gull has taken to perching on our bow, and has become pretty fearless. Some of our men have been feeding him, and he seems determined to stay with us for the journey. Out of respect, the crew has taken to calling him 'The Old Man'.

Men get so serious about stuff like that at sea.

Anyway, the three of us fed the Old Man some fish, and found we could pat him on the head without scaring him off.

He did bite my thumb, however.

Baius was right about the wind. The sky was clear today, but the wind was steady. -We are making good time.

Odysseus hasn't actually ordered us to head for home, but that's where Baius is taking us.


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