
Well, I got what I asked for: lots of paperwork.

Odysseus has me working with this guy Epeius on the Wooden Horse. It seems the commanders chose Epeius to oversee its construction. I guess that the guy is some sort of artist or something. He is actually quite the fop. I don’t know why they didn’t select a carpenter or an engineer.

Anyway, this Epeius guy sort of gives me the creeps. Whenever I am trying to show him some plans or something, he always leans over really close and breathes heavily through his mouth. -Right next to my head. It’s not that he has bad breath, and it doesn’t bother me that he is a bit of a sissy, it’s just his mouth-breathing. It really bugs me.

Something about mouth-breathers has always bothered me. It’s not like it’s the guy’s fault, but it really makes it hard for me to work with him.

Anyway, today I assigned Elpenor as Odysseus’ envoy to Epeius. He was ecstatic.

I am sure that the General won’t love this decision, but Elpenor does actually have a little carpentry experience. -That’s how I’ll justify it. I’ll just have to make sure that Elpenor reports to me, and that he leaves the General alone.

Besides getting Epeius out of my personal space, using Elpenor as a go-between will also free me up so that I can spend more time on the acquisition of supplies. -and picking my arse, of course.

Polites just came in. He says he has news. -more later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi. i don't really remember how i came upon this but it's truly fantastic. please keep up the good work. you make my day at work, slightly less mind numbing.


2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought only the Trojans were mouth-breathers. I suspect that Epeius is a spy!


6:38 PM  

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