
Well, we had another visit from Hector today. -This is getting ridiculous.

Fortunately, Hector didn’t lead a cavalry charge on our camp. This time he rode up with about eight other guys, carrying a flag of truce.

It took awhile to get our commanders out to greet him, and a crowd of soldiers just stood there heckling him and his entourage for about twenty minutes.

Polites told me that Hector had arrived, and I fetched Odysseus. The General was having breakfast with Agamemnon. He hadn’t yet come to inspect our newly cleaned camp.

By the time that I arrived with Odysseus and Agamemnon, Hector was having a conversation with Nestor, the old Golden Fleece guy.

When Odysseus and Agamemnon walked up, Hector greeted them friendly: “Ah, Agamemnon, and ah, General Odysseus! How does this fine morning find you?” Agamemnon and Odysseus exchanged pleasantries with Hector. Everything was very casual.

A few more generals began to walk up and us men of lesser rank were somewhat edged back.

Polites and Euryalus were standing with me, and assuming the role of crowd control, we were able to stay within view of the meeting.

Ajax soon appeared.

Hector looked genuinely happy to see Ajax, and called to him: “Ah, brother Ajax, it’s good to see you!”

Ajax, was pleased with the attention, and loudly shouted back: “Hector, it’s good to see you as well! You look none the worse for wear!” At this they both had a good laugh.

I looked at Odysseus, and could tell that he was perturbed. I then knew that we would fail today’s camp inspection.

It was Ajax who inquired as to why Hector had paid us a visit.

“Ah, Ajax, I am actually here to kill one of you. Hah! Apparently, some of your men have turned to horse thievery, and they took my Lampos, -my best steed! Ah, so yes, I’m here to give the thief what is coming to him!”

At that, many eyes turned to Odysseus. I looked for Diomedes, but couldn’t find him. Odysseus seemed surprised. It looked like he was about to speak, but he was cut off by another shout.

“I’ll shkill you! You shorry eshcuse for a sholdier!” -It was Patroclus.

Patroclus’ head was half wrapped in bandages, and his speech was very spitty.

Euryalus nudge Polites and quiped: “I shtole your shteed!”

Hector, and all eyes, turned towards Patroclus.

Hector laughed. “Ah, shot by shepherd boys, Patroclus? And you were so pretty!”

Patroclus replied, “Fuck off, Hecshtor. You want your Lamposh? If you can besht me, you can havshe him! But, if I besht you, I get your shield!” -Hector's shield was very nice.

Hector nodded. “So be it. Ah, tomorrow at noon again. -If that is well with you, Agamemnon.”

“Sure. Of course, Hector.” replied the Commander-in-Chief.

With that it was settled. Patroclus will fight Hector tomorrow.

We passed our inspection. Odysseus was actually very pleased. I think that dodging a duel with Hector improved his spirits a bit.

After the inspection was done, Odysseus asked me to send some wine over to Patroclus’ tent, and to wish him luck. I let Elpenor do it.


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